I was searching for some interesting quotes to add to my bio on our website,
www.prairielutheran.org, and I found these three...
"What is art but a way of seeing" - Thomas Berger
"You are the music while the music lasts." - T. S. Eliot
"Art distills sensations and embodies it with enhanced meaning." - Jacques Barzun
As the worship and music guy here at PLC, I kinda like those, don't you? We try to do a lot of different things in worship... dance, drama, music, videos... I guess that since it's true people learn and remember things different ways, it's always good to use multiple venues of communication...
Fall is entrenched here in the upper Midwest... we've just come through elections... survived might be a better way of putting it... do the political muckety-mucks really believe that all the negative campaigning works?
And... wouldn't it be nice to be able to vote for a person based upon their qualifications, rather than against what the other candidate represents?
Oh yeah... I had another birthday... all I know is that I'm in great shape for some who is 95!
Have a GREAT day! Until next time, pray for peace!
Prairie Pete