Wednesday, October 08, 2008

"Render unto Caesar..."

So.. is anyone else tired of the whole attack-style political scene? It's driving me crazy!!! He said this, no, he said that... she's not qualified, he's inexperienced... ENOUGH!

Is anyone old enough (like me... older than dirt!), does anyone remember a time when we, the people, voted for a candidate because they inspired us, they made us want more for our children than for ourselves, they gave us a vision we could identify with?

Now it seems like all we're left with is "the lesser of two evils," because we're so beaten down by the rhetoric that we're voting just to be done with it! People vote based on "what's in it for me?"

That's not what made this country great!

It's funny, my dad, his parents, his brothers and sisters... all were "re-located" to Manzanar, a "relocation center" in the Mojave Desert during WWII. Yet, I never heard him speak ill towards the US, never talked it down, never suggested that this wasn't the greatest country in the world... his mom, my grandmother, just died this summer at the age of 103... I never heard her say anything bad about this country...

We've become a nation of self-centered, self-absorbed "navel-gazers..." all we think about is ourselves and our attention is turned inward.

That's one of the great things about being a follower of Jesus... it seemed like he was a pretty busy guy, healing the sick and raising the dead... he did a bit of traveling, and he has a group of followers who looked to him for direction and guidance...

But in all the accounts we have, Jesus made time for people... he was always looking out for those less respected, less empowered. He sought out those disenfranchised... women... children. He was outward focused, and he challenges us to be the same.

So, how do we change? Take a look at Matthew 25:34-45,

... that's enough... I've fallen asleep a couple of time trying to finish this... it's time to go to sleep!

Have a great day!

Prairie Pete

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